Alas, I'm not a sports fan and so I have had to do some research into the whole thing. Turns out it's a HUGE category. Baseball cards are just the beginning. Authentic -and licensed- jerseys are big too. So big, in fact, that a manufacturer of such things pays ridiculous license fees to the NFL / NBA / NHL / MLB etc., to make a copy of various teams jerseys and passes these costs on to their customers. Lots -and LOTS- of consumers willingly PAY! Don't understand it myself, but I ought not insult my customers -particularly because I make Jersey Display Cases.
Then from jerseys, we come to autographed stuff. Any-dang-thing having to do with any-dang-sport can be autographed by any-dang-player. And again, folks pay for autographed items. Pay lots for them in fact.
So this is what I say. If you have spent good money on something sporty, you owe it to your self to protect it carefully, and display it proudly. Here are some ideas:
Storing and Displaying Sports Collectables:
Baseball / Trading Cards:
If you have lots of them, Architectural Drawer Cases (or Semi Custom / Fully Customized Drawer Cases) would be just the ticket to sort and safely store them. If you want to display a few special items, check out my Riker- Frames or Document Mounts, but be sure you know about protecting them from UV Damage.

Nothing better then a big flat Jersey Case. You take the jersey off a defensive tackle and flatten it out, you have some fabric acreage. Flat needs to be big. And be sure to read my article on Displaying Athletic Jerseys.
Balls, pucks, caps, & helmets, Baseballs, baseball caps, golf balls, photos, etc.:
The problem here is that these items come in all sizes and shapes. A hockey puck, for example would be elegant in a small Shadow-Box. (And magically transform it from something knocking around on your counter into a full-blown collectable. Read up on showmanship in my article on Advanced Shadow Boxes.)
On the other hand, footballs, football helmets, basketballs etc., are quite a bit larger. A Shadow-box or Architectural Display Cases with a little customization might get'er done. Given that these things are round -or roundish anyway- suggests that they want to be seen from all around. Google plastic fabricators in you neighborhood and have an acrylic case made-to-order.
Hockey sticks, golf clubs, tennis rackets, etc.:
Two ways to go for the really big stuff.On the wall, either a big Shadow Box, or one of my Jersey Cases. But I have to say it again. Read up on showmanship in my article on Advanced Shadow Boxes. Collect up other related stuff, document it, and make yourself your own little tiny home-museum-display.
The other way to go with big, long, and flattish things is to put them in a Display Coffee / Sofa Table. The absolute last word in elegance. Whatever -and I mean WHATEVER- you put in such is automatically valid and valuable -or look like it is anyway.
Interesting Links:
Now this is interesting. An unapologetically masculine site. Cave Maker has everything a man might want to 'decorate' his cave. Sports stuff is only the start. You will also find accouterments for poker, BBQ, and billiards.
Final Play Sports has all the memorabilia even the most rabid collector could ever want. Check'em out!
Museum Spot is a great site. Lists all the museums in the wolrd. Why is this interesting to a sports freak? Because the list not less the 18 sports museums (as of this writting and they are growing.)
This is where to find those Nelson Bobble-Head things.